Whelp, the IFC previews have failed me.* This was not a good film; it was lacking in cohesiveness, motivation, humor and follow-through.** Watch Paul Schneider be acted upon by many different women and watch him muddle through.
Cost: free from libary
Where watched: at home, while painting toenails silver. So at least it wasn’t a complete waste of time.
*I think this was advertised in package of previews that came with Hateship Loveship.
**It is not at all hilarious and sexy as the poster states.
poster from: http://www.impawards.com/2014/goodbye_to_all_that.html
That poster is kind of the worst. As in, I actively hate it. It definitely doesn’t encourage me to see this film. Neither does your review.
Yeah, it was bad. Like really bad in that mediocre way that meant it wasn’t fun. Like Battleship was.