
16927432Letterboxd made me do it. Okay, maybe they didn’t make me, but they gave me the idea.

Letterboxd is the Goodreads-like website where you can track your movies, post reviews, and make movie review friends.

In late January, Letterboxd called attention to the Letterboxd users who had taken up the #52moviesbywomen challenge. The challenge was to watch 52 movies either written or directed by women. So I started my list.  I figured I was already behind, but miraculously, five movies I watched in January fit the criteria.

plushI was keeping up okay getting movies from the library, but my new job made this challenge much easier.  They bought me a year gift membership to Netflix (officially DVD.com) and I filled my queue with movies directed by women and they just keep arriving.

At this writing, I’m two above my quota meaning it’s week 16 according to my calendar and I’ve watched 18 movies.

You can see my list by clicking here

Also, I just searched the hashtag on the site. It found at least 250 matches.  But let me say that I’m doing MUCH better than the people on the first page of search results, all of which are in the single digits.

4 thoughts on “#52moviesbywomen”

  1. Hmm, I’m going to check out this Letterboxd thing. Sounds like my cup of tea. When I was exploring downtown Oceanside the other day, I saw that the local theater there is doing a showing of Lunafest on Sunday. It’s short films about women, made by women. I’m considering going. You’ve inspired me to be more thoughtful about this topic.

    1. I find Letterboxd clunky in some ways, but it’s nice to have a Goodreads-like movie site to keep track of stuff. This is the first year that I’ve made sure to post EVERY movie review.

      I’m excited about your inspiration!

  2. I think this is a great challenge to take up! I have seen similar challenges in the kids book world. To read more diversely or outside of own identity.

  3. Happy morning comments. You are the appetizer to some Saturday afternoon writing.

    I was fun to come by and catch up!

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