Three sentence movie reviews: Hysteria


This movie is clever in that way that women–for most of history viewed as nothing more than chattel–have had to be clever in that it seems to be a story about a man inventing an ingenious device and finding success and love, but which also tells us the story of women lining up for a “treatment” that I suspect most of them knew did nothing for their diagnosis of hysteria, but was beneficial none the less. Great performances all around.   This is a light and funny film best taken with a glass of wine and some chocolate after a long hard day of being female.

Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home.

poster from IMP Awards

2 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: Hysteria”

  1. I saw this movie a while ago and was taken with Hugh Dancy! So much that I thought I, too, should have sufferings of Hysteria!

    As an aside, anytime a woman, historically had any ill mood, she was either shipped off to the sanitarium or bled by the leeches, so this was a “pleasant” new treatment! Wink!

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