We returned to Sara and Shawn’s house via my first time driving on a six-lane freeway. (Thank you Portland planners, who have helped me avoid doing that on a regular basis.) We caught Shawn up on our adventures over dinner and took one last walk to the river. Here are some final river views.
(S&S. I can’t tell which photo is the one that would be totally worth it when you saw it. I’ve got a guess, but just because it’s the best one of the bunch.)
Maybe this one?
Thanks to Sara & Shawn for being such excellent hosts. I had a wonderful vacation.
(Houses & Homes!)
Really lovely photos. So long, Minnesota! It’s been nice to see you through Patricia’s eyes.
Hey – look – I haven’t commented on this one yet. You were with me. Goodness gracious I am a total slug friend.
These are GREAT pictures!!! Very well captured.
I really like the one third from the bottom. But really, it was a glorious night to capture that part of the Mississippi!