Welcome to Me Was Not a Winner for Me

A picture of Kristen Wiig in the film Welcome to Me.

Welcome to Me

Directed by Shira Piven
Written by Eliot Laurence

The review:

I wasn’t having a great mental health day when I watched this film that attempts to find humor in a mental health crisis,* which made it hard to appreciate this story. Though it was packed with actors I’m always happy to see** and Kristen Wiig’s deadpan performance was exactly what the character needed, I think this movie is best left on the shelf. I suppose you could watch this for the set design, if you were into that.

The verdict: Skip

Cost: free via Kanopy, the Library’s streaming service.
Where watched: at home

Consider watching instead:

Interestingly, the National Alliance on Mental Illness lists Welcome to Me as a movie about mental illness that gets it right. Their other recommendations are:

Further sentences:

*It also had a layer of people taking advantage of a person experiencing a mental health crisis, so I suspect I wouldn’t have liked this even on my best mental health days. I’m not a fan of stories where a person’s weaknesses are exploited for someone else’s material gain.
**Kristen Wiig! Wes Bentley! Linda Cardellini! Joan Cusack! Loretta Devine! Jennifer Jason Leigh! I’m even happy to see James Marsden! Plus both Tim Robbins and Alan Tudyk were in this.


  • What parts of Alice’s life rang true to you?
  • What do you think is the best film that depicts an aspect of mental illness.

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

The actress playing Kristen Wiig’s mother is actually director Shira Piven’s mother.

Other reviews of Welcome to Me:

Orange background with text: Come with me. Into another time that happened to me. —Welcome to Me. Read the three sentence movie review. 3SMReviews.com

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