Da 5 Bloods: Back to ‘Nam

Da 5 Bloods

Da 5 Bloods

Directed by Spike Lee
Written by Danny Bilson, Paul De Meo, Kevin Willmott, and Spike Lee

The review:

This movie is long* and takes place in two time periods** (Vietnam in 1971 and Vietnam in present day) and has a lot of feelings ricocheting around. Much like the Vietnam War was a mess that kept getting worse, so goes the plan to find the gold.*** While things are going south there are some amazing performances**** and the actors have built characters into people we care about.

The verdict: Good

Cost: Netflix monthly fee ($8.99)
Where watched: at home

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Further sentences:

*I took a bathroom break and when I paused the film I discovered that though the counter said 1:12 for having watched, there was still 1:22 left to go. I groaned, but the second half turned out to be engrossing.
**In the two time periods it uses the same actors for both without digitally de-aging them. I was not a fan of that process in the Irishman, so good job avoiding that, but it was weird to see the old actors looking old and playing young without comment. The aspect ratio changed to indicate which time period we were in. I eventually got used to it.
***I feel like there could be a movie throw down called Going After the Fortune: Totally Worth Your Time vs. Will Destroy Your Life.
****Delroy Lindo’s direct address to the camera! Wow!


  • Where do you stand? Leave the treasure there, or go get it?
  • Which of the four remaining Bloods had the most to lose?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

This will be the first Netflix film to screen at the Cannes Film Festival in three years. Controversy had stirred up after Netflix screened their films at the 2017 festival over the differing policies of streaming versus theatrical release, prompting Netflix and festival organizers coming to strong disagreements. Netflix subsequently withdrew their films from the festival for three years after. This film will be part of the festival’s Out of Competition category for the 2020 festival.

Well that didn’t come to pass. Thanks, coronavirus.

Other reviews of Da 5 Bloods:

Da 5 Bloods

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