One of my YA-zeitgeist books is on this list. Check out Dig, by A.S. King.
Picture Books
Zombies Don’t Eat Veggies
Jorge & Megan Lacera
Read for Librarian Book Group
A funny book about a zombie kid who prefers eating vegetables to eating humans; it also doubles as a nice coming out narrative.
I am Hermes
Mordicai Gerstein
Read for Librarian Book Group
This book has illustrations that pair perfectly with the text. It makes for a whimsical illustration of the life of Hermes.
Vamos, Let’s Go to the Market
Raul Gonzalez III
Read for Librarian Book Group
The pages are packed with a ton of things to look at, appealing to those kids who like to really study their picture books. There’s a great English/Spanish mix of words and the journey through the market is interesting.
Where are you from?
Yamile Saied Mendez, Jamie Kim
Read for Librarian Book Group
A long (and beautifully illustrated) answer to a question we* should probably be more aware of what we’re saying when we ask it.
*we=white people
Middle Grade
Other Words for Home
Jasmine Wanga
Read for Librarian Book Group
A slimmer novel in verse that shows us Jude’s life in Syria and then how her life changes when she comes to America.
I would have liked more details, but I enjoyed the verse. I also couldn’t remember anything about this book when it came up in book group discussion until I looked at the cover.
Young Adult
A.S. King
Read for Librarian Book Group
“Am I really up for A.S. King’s weirdness?” I asked myself as I picked up the book.
Turns out: yep! I was. It’s best to carve out a larger segment of time to get started with this book. There are many characters and many things aren’t clear as the book begins. But stick with it, and soon it will be hard to stop reading.
Most A.S. King books are uncomfortable. She seems to tap into the parts of this modern world that just aren’t right. But being uncomfortable and adrift is not an uncommon feeling in life, so perhaps A.S. King has her fingers on the pulse.
If you are a white person ages 15–107, this is your 2019 zeitgeist book.
Again, but Better
Christine Riccio
At first, I thought this book was aggressively mediocre, but I kept reading because the mild social panic was described so well. I also liked the idea of a college student realizing she’s done a terrible job making friends and trying her best to start fresh during her study abroad program.
Then the story changed and I was hooked. Overall, I found it to be a somewhat brilliant book.
Not to mention, it’s YA fiction with a 20-year-old protagonist. I’ll have to add it to my list of YA-in-college books. (Take that, agent who told me I wasn’t writing YA!)
The Afterward
E.K. Johnston
Read for Librarian Book Group
E.K. Johnston builds us a world where a group of knights, a mage and a thief have successfully completed a quest and now it’s back to the everyday. But the everyday is tough. Some of them have battle trauma, some of them have to do things to survive that become increasingly hard. Some of them are in love, and can’t be together for various reasons.
This book constantly challenged my mental pictures, and I love it for that. It’s also a fantasy book that doesn’t take place today that I was still interested in reading. Big wins! Hopefully it will get a better cover in the future.
Grownup Nonfiction
The Power of Habit
Charles Duhigg
A thorough examining of how habits rule our lives, not just on an individual level, but in companies, and in social movements.
This is more of an informational text than a self-help book. I would have liked more of a how-to on how to change habits. But I’m sure there’s a book out there for me. In the meantime, this was interesting and informative.
Nolo’s Guide to Single-Member LLCs
David M. Steingold
This is a handy guide of things to know if you are thinking about starting a single-member LLC. The information is clear, it breaks down details and there are links to free forms.
Where are You From? IS a great read aloud for my students. I’m excited to read it to my SS crew next semester.