My name is Grant Law. I’m the developer of a fencing system which utilizes homemade foam weapons within a fantasy-styled framework. I am currently searching for schools in the Portland area that are interested in making our fencing program available to their students by hosting our program one day a week through the school year. I would like to talk with you or another representative about the possibility of holding classes at your school, and answer any questions you might have about our system.
The system is similar to what is commonly called boffer fighting, however my methods incorporate traditional western fencing techniques with an extensive rule set that greatly extends students’ potential paths towards success. My program was created while teaching at Pacific Crest Community School over the 2013-2014 school year, and included approximately 1/3rd of the student population, in both club and physical education class settings. Many of the activities we engaged in are described at a website created for the Pacific Crest Garrison — the name we ended up adopting for our site (
Encouraged by the response of the Pacific Crest community, I’m attempting to expand the scope of our fencing program. I’m hoping to set up several after-school clubs in Portland, that would operate from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., one day a week. Classes will include an hour of instruction in basic fencing skills, including footwork, parries, and attacks, and an hour dedicated either to crafting weapons and armor, or tournament fencing. Students would directly pay for these classes, on either a monthly, quarterly. or semester rate, depending on the structure utilized by the school.
Thank you for your consideration.
– Grant Law
Gosh, at first I thought he was talking about building a fence out of foam weapons and I was having such a hard time picturing that! Fencing classes makes so much more sense! So are you guys considering it?
No, because I think the idea is hilarious. Also because we don't have any space for such things.
I want to see this in action. Clever idea, though. Fencing seems like a great nerdy sport for your crew. Think of all the Olympic athlete you could produce. And it all starts with foam!