(15 total movies watched)
(If you count the Oscar Nominated Shorts: Documentary as one film)
(Which I do)
(Bonus: you get to see the evolution of my social media visual style which came about because of 1. Canva and 2. A branding workshop I attended)
The Sixth Sense
Still cool and scary

Wendy and Lucy
Grinding poverty makes for quality movie, part I

Oscar Nominated Short Films: Documentary
I liked all five of them!

Support the Girls
Slice of life for the win!

The Edge of Seventeen
No grinding poverty, but life’s still tough.

The Matrix
So many layers to this!

Isn’t it Romantic
Life in a PG-13 Romantic Comedy? The worst!

When two people become friends by happenstance.

Platonic male friendship and cancer.

American Honey
Grinding poverty makes for quality movie, part II

Random trivia. Haley Lu Richardson appeared in three of these films. Do you know which ones?