Bonneville Lock and Dam

On the way back, we stopped at the Bonneville Lock and Dam, which I hadn’t visited since I was a child.

Outside, they had recorded information about the site, which was nice and also had me worrying about park ranger job longevity.

Do you know someone who is both dead and who also loved roses? This garden is for them!

Timer photo!

I neglected to take pictures of the fish ladder, but here Matt and I are as lampreys.

I was hoping to spot a lamprey, but no dice. Apparently they don’t migrate, so seeing them is rare.

We walked out to the powerhouse, and I took pictures of the great art deco details.

Hood River Railbikes

Our next big staycation outing was trying out the railbikes in Hood River.

Matt waits in the station. Aside from railbikes and train rides, you can also rent ebikes to explore Hood River for the day.

Matt on the bike. One person gets to control the level of assist. Matt was in charge of that on the way up. We had about a 45-minute ride up to the fruit company, and then I was in charge on the way back.

A quick self-portrait at the Fruit Company.

Me on the way back down. I got cold and put on my coat, accidentally zipping my safety vest under my coat.

On the way back, we got to stop so our guide could take our picture at the waterfall. She remarked that she hadn’t seen an actual camera in a very long time.