Early Embroidery: Make New Friends Cross Stich

I cannot believe that this was in a frame!

As a child, I loved this design. It had ladies in fancy dress. It had a Girl Scout song. It used silver and gold thread for the words “silver” and “gold” respectively. So I got this kit and set to cross stitching.

The first thing I did was to ignore the way the fabric was folded. I centered the design the way I thought it should be. Mistake. The fold was there to show me where the center of the design should be. Result: my mom had to cut stuff off of the bottom and stitch it to the top.

I also love that I used one strand for one lady and two strands for the other lady. Two strands was the correct number, but I did not backtrack and fix the single strand lady.

Finally, the rust stain from the hoop. Even back then, I wasn’t a finisher, so this got started and then set aside long enough that rust formed.

Emerging skills. Memorialized.

I was surprised that the back wasn’t more chaotic. While not the tidiest, it’s also not terrible.