A Good Round at the Movie Quiz

The first round of the movie quiz tonight made me feel very smart. Mark, the quizmaster, played the beginning of 10 movie musicals and we had to identify them. The first one was Annie, so I knew I was going to do well.

The ninth one was super tricky. It was from On the Town, which I’ve seen. But it starts with one guy singing and he doesn’t show up again for the rest of the film. Actually, it’s the guy standing above Gene Kelly in that thumbnail. Check out his part:

I’m curious how many teams got that one.

Things went downhill from there, but it’s always nice to have a start strong.

SKS: Astoria

Sara and Shawn headed to Astoria after Portland, and Sara had a lot of good things to say about the town.

In this postcard, she reports that they did the column (you can see it in this postcard, a bit larger in scale than it really is) and poked around the shops.

This one says in full: HEY YOU GUYS! Sending happy Goonies goodness your way.

And this one has some good Mama F. quotes written on it.