In yet another attempt to kindle some Christmas spirit, I attended the Low Bar Chorale’s small bar gathering at the Benson Hotel.

Kelly, Tara, and I had fun singing Christmas/December/Winter/Klezmer-themed songs along with the crowd.

In yet another attempt to kindle some Christmas spirit, I attended the Low Bar Chorale’s small bar gathering at the Benson Hotel.
Kelly, Tara, and I had fun singing Christmas/December/Winter/Klezmer-themed songs along with the crowd.
Sara’s date on this postcard was September 29. I can’t read the date on the postmark, so I can’t tell if it maybe got lost in the mailbox for a time before winding its way to me more than two months later. What stories do you have to tell, postcard? Why was your journey so long?
Sara reports that visiting Innsbruck, they added a fourth to their tally of Winter Olympic cities. They had fun exploring.
At the time of writing, the official walk/hike that was the purpose of the trip hadn’t happened yet, but it was imminent. She thought it would be a 5K. I think it turned out to be more like a 7K.
I really enjoyed this stamp.
Sara reports that she always stops at Chalo while in SFO, and I got this postcard because of it.
She reports that all of her meetings that day had been canceled, so she was working from home.
In other news, my camera has a setting where it will take a picture, but also give you seven other picture layouts. I have never used this setting voluntarily, but sometimes the dial is flipped and I end up on that setting. Here’s the square close-up version.
I can think of at least one time when this accidentally happened and I kept one of the seven generated photos. It was one of Matt’s races and it did the Kodachrome-type filter that looked great.
But mostly? An unused feature.