Let’s see if the internet will tell me who said this quote. My guess is Glinda the good witch.

Answer: the internet returned a result from the book (I was thinking movie, even though I’ve read the books) and identified the speaker as “the old woman” After skimming back several clicks—the site I was looking at only had about two paragraphs at at time per page—I see that she identifies as a good witch and the Witch of the North. No mention that her name is Glenda. I wonder if that’s a movie thing? How could I ever find the answer to THAT question????
(says the person who is 250+ days behind and has run through the research time alloted for this post clicking through the ad-heavy Wizard of Oz page)
Sara reports that she has submitted her file for early tenure! Also that on a Tuesday, the week has already felt like it was six months long.