SKS: The Road Less Traveled and Lemonade

I’m a fan of pants, but appreciate this message.

Sara comments that nude from the waist down seems odd to her, and I agree. But it made us both laugh.

This postcard comes from Whistle and Fizz in New York.

Sara reports that, back in Arcata, working with a friend made the work fun and that her first time with students is tomorrow.

Monogrammed Sheets

I like to make some mark in one corner of my flat sheets so that I don’t have to try the sheet in a few directions in order to make length and width match the bed.

I went all out with this monogram, part of a download that includes four different treatments of the alphabet.

I learned that it’s tough to keep those outer lines straight. I think in the original they are straight stitches, but I switched them to backstitch because I thought straight stitches would catch on things in an active-use object. I also switched the French knots to figure-eight knots, as I prefer them.

Sometimes this color combo doesn’t work for me, but I like how it turned out this time.

The downside of fancy sheet monograms is that the back is very visible—it’s different if things are in a hoop. Maybe in the future, I could cut a square or circle to cover the back and tack it down so only back stitch or running stitch show. But maybe this is just fine.

Chewy’s Delivery Service is Subpar

Antares requires eye medication that is cheapest when bought from Chewy. I’ve ordered it multiple times, and, save one time, each delivery has been left on my doorstep despite our signs that ask that all packages be brought to the back porch.

Every time this happens, I contact Chewy and explain that the problem hasn’t been fixed, despite me doing all the things they have told me to do. And every time they write back and apologize and assure me it won’t happen again. And then it happens again.

As I have been telling them, things are stolen from my doorstep, hence the request to not leave things there. And today it happened. I was riding home from work and saw an opened Chewy box on Interstate about three blocks from my house.

I knew my box had been delivered, so after checking all the places, I walked back to see that indeed, the opened box was my box. Luckily, the thief wasn’t interested in my cat’s $60 dollar eye medication and abandoned the box, so the biggest damage was that I got to bring home trash.

My email telling them of the theft was met with the same apology and reassurance that it wouldn’t happen again. From the future, I can say the pattern continues.

I will be quite happy when I don’t have to deal with Chewy any longer.