I have completed my second Dropcloth sampler. This builds on the original Dropcloth Sampler that I completed in 2021. I bought a three-pack, so there is one more sampler to go.

I love a lot of things about this sampler. Let’s dive in.

Battlement filling! So amazing! I want to start making my own designs so that I can use a ton of battlement filling! You can also see a bit of cloud filling on the right. Cloud filling looks complex, but it’s really just seed stitches arranged in a grid and then weaving through those stitches.

Plaid filling! Also a not-complex stitch that pops. Buttonhole filling was also fun, and I like those two colors.

More filling stitches that are not complex. The hardest part of brick and cross would be getting the columns straight. Backstitch trellis is also in that category, but looks great when done. I also love how couched filling turned out. This is not surprising, given my love for couching.

Here’s what I’m quite proud of. Aside from the fun of filling the hoop with figure eight knots, I also took the time to stitch the screw at the top of the hoop. Sometimes, I’m in the mood to do those small details and sometimes I just want to get ‘er done.
Here’s the back, for those who like to see what’s up.