Singing Along with Some Good Singers

Friend Gail and I attended this Piano-Bar like event at the Armory. Our hosts were full of fun and we got to sing along to a ton of showtunes. One memorable performance was “Some Enchanted Evening,” which came with a story of how the singer originally learned it, and judging by the applause, really moved everyone in the room.

Clearing of a North Park Block

The roof to 105 NW Park Avenue (once upon a time the home of The Emerson School) is gone, as are the windows. But the façade is still there. I really hope they reused those old-growth timbers in the ceiling.

The mural is still there for now. But not for long.

On the other end of the block, the very tall unreinforced masonry building is completely gone. That was the one I figured would slump onto our building, burying us, if there was an earthquake.

We need not worry about building slump during an earthquake now.

Strawberry and Raspberry Galettes

I’ve had this recipe waiting in the wings for several years. It’s so old, it’s from when the Oregonian was still being delivered to me. Today was the day I made it.

I had both strawberries and raspberries and together they were delicious.

I tend to not do well with pie crust, but folding these gallettes is in my limited skillset.

They were delicious.

And, having made the recipe, I concluded that I would probably never make it again, and I recycled that recipe.

SKS N CA Blood Bank

I enjoy so much about this postcard. That it’s from a blood bank. That they have a funny slogan, and that I can see that the person who took the picture was a three gallon donor.

Sara reports that their Barbie viewing was last night, and she and Shawn enjoyed it. Also that there was a mountain of laundry waiting for her. Presumably, by the time I received this postcard, that laundry had been conquered.

New Desk!

My desk is inundated with computer things. There isn’t a flat surface I can write on. I’ve been looking around for a folding desk that can appear when I need a non-computer desk surface, and I found a fun one.

This folding desk came from the Ukraine. It joined the working wall with my clothes dryers. In its folded state, it looks like this:

And then when I need it, it becomes this adjustable desk.

This allows me to roll back and forth between the computer desk and the folding desk. I could also make it a standing desk, if I so chose.

Postcard from the Camino Trail

Guess where Laurie and Burt are?

Laurie said that it’s got a real European vibe.

And then she wrote probably the most delightful thing I’ve read on a postcard: The walk into town was a real bummer–the outskirts include an airport and an industrial area with a Pepsi plant and a big Firestone tires outfit. In general, it looked like a cross between 82nd and Columbia Boulevard. For miles. At the end of a long walking day.

I’ve not been to Burgos, but I had a very clear picture of the approach.

Cute postage, too.

Postcards from Arizona and Yachats

This one I didn’t spin the correct way, but it’s from friend Kelly who reports from Tucson that Southern Arizona is beautiful and hot and tried to kill her twice.

This Yachats postcard made it to me without a postmark! Sara reports that she and Shawn came to Yachats to tidy up Shawn’s grandfather’s grave. She also enjoyed a fish shop called Luna Sea.

Sara reports that this postcard was from a local shop that was full of fun items. They also had a banned books table, so Sara bought this postcard and a banned book.

The postmark for this postcard is Portland Oregon. So postcards from the Oregon coat must travel to Portland to be processed.