Boise To-Do List

The last few print issues of EW kept me company on my Boise trip. The last issue was mailed in the spring, but I’ve been hording them for a trip since Sara sent them to me.

I drove around and got the Boise map back in my head. It had been supplanted by the Portland map to the point where I recognized the names of the major streets, but wasn’t entirely sure where those streets were in relation to each other. And god forbid those streets shared a name with a Portland street. I had no idea. While driving, I visited a bunch of favorite places. Dipped soft serve at the Fanci Freeze, finger steak dinner from Big Bun (why are finger steaks not a thing everywhere? They are so very good!), chocolates from Lee’s Candies. I got most of my to-dos done.

I couldn’t fit in a movie at the Flicks, but not for lack of trying.

Boise House Visitation

Dad, Barb, and I went down to the North End for some lunch, to kick around some leaves, and to stop by the growing-up houses.

Here’s my dad at 1204 N. 15th Street. That was his growing-up house, aside from the time he was very young and his family lived in an apartment complex where the Albertson’s on State Street is now.

Here’s Barb’s house at 1912 N. 18th Street. It is faaaaancy (the “zestimate” is nearly $2 million dollars.) Barb said when she lived here it didn’t have the dormers or the front porch.

But it did have that bedroom window by the garage that she snuck out of more than once.

I took a swing through my growing up neighborhood. Here’s 1901 Empire Way, also known as the high school house. It recently sold for $465,000 (I cannot image!)

And I was delighted to find that 6226 Oreana Drive converted the front yard into a massive raised bed garden.