Sara picked this up at the artists’ shop at the base of Montmatre.
We’ve both been feeling this feeling.
Many (many, many, many, many) years ago, someone stole a screen from the triple windows in our living room. Why? I do not know.
Soon after, Matt went to see about getting a replacement, and the person at the hardware store he talked to sold him a kit with screen, metal things to cut into a frame, and a tool to install the screen in the frame.
I looked at the kit and was not inspired to take action. Matt wasn’t either, and so for many years we just opened two of the three windows. We didn’t even get around to making a new screen during the quarantine time of the pandemic. I figured we never would.
However, today, Matt got out the kit and the hacksaw he would need. And in about an hour, he made a replacement screen! Amazing!
Well done! It’s nice to be able to open all three windows at once.
We return to a once-regular summer activity: Shakespeare in the park! Portland Actors Ensemble seems to have folded (a great loss!) but OPSFest lives on!
There was the usual great people watching before the show including this young person, who carefully laid out his napkin so his stuffed animals would have a nice seat like he did.
Preshow self portrait. There was a bit of preshow drama with one dog attacking another. But the attack was preceded by a very long, very loud scream of “Nooooooooooooooooooo!” by a woman who was racing after the attacking dog as it approached the other dog. So people got the dogs separated quickly and both sets of dog owners seemed okay, if shaken, by the interaction. Jennifer Lanier, who played Banquo, came out to check on everything and also complimented the yelling woman on her lungs.
Lauren Saville Allard as Macbeth was mesmerizing. Most all of my pictures were of her.
As with all OPSFest performances, the prompter (Keith Cable) and the prompter-in-training (Stew Towel) kept things moving along and amusing.
Brian Saville Allard played the gentleman Macbeth and he was also great.
Thanks, OPSFest for providing a great summer entertainment.
Postcard 2 of 2! Sara reports that the waves were not this high when they were visiting. Also that the sun has been out every day—quite perfection, really.
Having experienced the foggy summer mornings in the Humboldt area, I understand exactly why she says that.
Apparently the last family reunion was in 2016. Sara reports that all of the kids have grown so much, and some of them didn’t exist yet. She’s enjoying hanging out with the family.
Another delightful French postcard from Sara. Rochechouart is the place where Sara’s stepmother Barbie (and her two sisters) bought a house. This is a picture of the chateau that is a five-minute walk from the house.
Sara reports that Barbie has invited me to come and stay! Such a good invitation!
Dana sent me this beautiful postcard from Amsterdam where they had traveled after visiting Zürich, then the Alps, then a river cruise from Basel to Amsterdam. They also spent a few days in the Hague.
She reports that Amsterdam has bikes. Everywhere! And that it’s a good news, bad news situation.
This was a very fun postcard to receive!