Square Dance Graduation Cakes!

The fancy butter begat two delicious sheet cakes.

Each square dance class chooses a rose’s name for their class name. Since there happen to be 2.3 million rose names, the choices are many.

The 2022 graduating class chose Lavender Pinocchio. I made them a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

The 2020 class chose the name Autumn Sunset. They got a yellow cake with vanilla frosting.

I had fun planning out the cakes.

Kiriki Press: Beach Day

I love, love, love how this one turned out. Yay for Beach Day!

Aside from liking the beach, I bought this sampler because I was curious about how to make the hat. How does one get embroidery to stick up like that?

In this case, I was instructed to do couching stitch to build up half of a sphere and then cover it with detached buttonhole. Brilliant! The base of the flip flop is just chain stitch, but with that thread color, it looks like a rattan sandal.

This stitched up fast, too! Probably the hardest part was tying that bow.

Gilmore Girls Bit Parts: Inanimate and Animate

Hey look! It’s Teddy Dunn! He played Duncan Kane on Veronica Mars. In this Gilmore Girls episode, he plays a rich dude who isn’t great.

Also exciting? The Gilmore Girls have the same cookware set I do! At least in this episode. It’s fun to see your inanimate objects out in the world.

Gilmore Girls, Time to Set Some Limits

Not much is appealing right now, and so the Gilmore Girls has become the major project. And with each forty-three minute episode of the Gilmore Girls comes an episode of the Gilmore Guys podcast. And the Guys are not brief in their comments. Some of the episodes are as long as three hours.

The extended length of the podcast is both a blessing and a curse. It means I must go do chores, or other such things, but also that every episode carves at least two hours out of my day. My other podcasts are starting to stack up, and it was time I weighed my intense desire to be done with this show with the fact that if I keep going at the clip I am going I will be done by July, but other podcasts I keep up with will be horribly backlogged.

So I’ve made a limit of three episodes a week. This way I won’t finish until the week of October 10, but at least I will have a little bit more balance in my life.