The rains came torrentially while I was waiting for the MAunts to show up at the Rose City Cemetery. But luckily it tapered off so by the time we made it to the second cemetery the sun was out.
It’s still quite cold, though.
Well, I nearly had my holder for my darning machine done, but it turns out that stacking the filler between the two things that are supposed to go on the outside means that when you go to flip it, the filler is on the outside.
I got out the seam ripper.
Much like it’s not a building project until you have to stop what you are doing and go to the hardware store, so is it not a sewing project until the seam ripper comes out. Thank goodness podcasts are there to keep me company.
Attempt No. 2 will be better.
Can we also talk about how much I love this see-through ruler I was first introduced to in a pattern manipulation class. It’s so much easier to measure things and make them square.