Random Cat Embroidery Finished

This kit came to me because I needed to spend a few more dollars to get free shipping on Amazon. I searched “embroidery kits” and this popped up. I liked the cat and the colors, and so into my cart it went.

Unlike all the other kits I’ve done, this one seemed to have no creator. I couldn’t find any information about the company. I’m guessing it was made to sell to people who search “embroidery kit” on Amazon. The directions sound like the kit creator speaks another language, in addition to English.

I’m quite pleased with how it turned out.

On the Chopping Block: 1524 N. Watts Street

This is an 807 square foot house built in 1923. The assessor detail tells me that it was sold in 1997 for $63,000. (Oh, to have bought property in North Portland in the 90s!) It sold to a builder in November 2021 for $445,000.

I like small houses that are set back from the property. There is ample room for a beautiful garden out front. I also like that little gable on the house. I’m not sure if it came about due to a remodel, but it’s very nice.

Zoning means the builder could build two skinny houses on this lot. It might be that, or a one big house.

Godspeed, little house on a big lot. I hope you have a lot of happy memories.

Two Quilts Found in Consignment Store

This was a lovely find. The quilting was simple, but the colors were pretty and didn’t scream any particular decade to me.

The artist signed their work, though only with the initials MCB and the year. Good work, MCB. I hope this quilt brought someone many years of happiness before it found its way to a consignment store.

And then there was this quilt which was so amazing I hope it finds the perfect new home. Here’s the first side, awash with colors and puffy animals (and maybe a sperm or two?) I love how bright and gaudy this is.

Here are two closeups of the puffy animals/sperm. Notice all the great layering that went into each block.

If the quilt were just the bright colors and puffy animals with a plain back, that would have been amazing. But no! THIS is the back!

Tons of layering and detail in 5 panels.

And then this intricate thing happening with ribbon in four other panels.

Unfortunately, there was no artist credit or date.

This isn’t the kind of quilt you can snuggle up with. I wonder if this reflects a culture I’m not familiar with? I have so many questions.