Random Song: Hope The High Road

KINK Sunday Brunch is my favorite block of radio. From 7:00 am to noon, Peggy La Point plays a variety of interesting songs, old and new. A good 80% of them hit my sweet spot. Like this one. Which I cannot recall, but know that I liked because I had google search it and then took a screenshot of the name.

I’m listening now and am still liking it. YouTube seems to not be giving me access in the way I’m used to, but maybe this link will work?

Vacation Comes to an End

While I’ve not yet used the mason jar McMenamins places in each hotel room so visitors can bring beer back to their rooms, I did note that the jar was not a mason jar this time around. I assume that the global supply chain and COVID-19 are to blame.

I lazed about in my room, ate breakfast and lunch, and then headed home on a bus and two trains. It was a good vacation.