All movies watched on Netflix May–Present

Five Really Great Movies on Netflix Right Now. The S Edition

  • Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse. It’s a superhero film not hanging out on the Disney+ platform! The animation is amazing! It’s also funny!
  • Stranger Than Fiction. A film that warms the cockles of my heart because it’s just so different. I love Will Ferrell in comedic roles, but he’s also great in this drama. Plus, Maggie Gyllenhaal. And Emma Thompson with writer’s block.
  • Saving Mr. Banks. Speaking of Emma Thompson as a writer, here she plays P.L. Travers, the author of Mary Poppins. She wears great suits, and there’s a back-in-the-day plot, too.
  • Searching For Bobby Fisher. I haven’t seen this since 1994, but enjoyed this chess story back then.
  • The Social Network. Are you ready for a taut drama (with nearly zero women) about the beginning of Facebook? Then settle in for a tense, nervous Jesse Eisenberg and a similarly fantastic in a not-tense way Justin Timberlake.
  • (Also, if you haven’t yet watched Spotlight, recommended last month, see that you do!)




Have you watched any of these films? Do you agree or disagree? Leave a comment and let’s talk!