Hike at Tryon Creek

We haven’t been to Tryon Creek in years. I think the last time we were there we got lost, and it was a slog through the rain. But today’s hike was fun, and short. You can see Matt holding his mask. We would put them on when we encountered other hikers.

I loved this nurse log.

And! When we were leaving, we ran into a parent from my days at the Emerson School; it was great to catch up.

Zidell Yards Drive-in

My friend bought tickets to see The Birds at the Zidell Yards Drive-in, but the show was rescheduled because of the smoke we had in September. She’s not a fan of going out on Sundays, so she gave me the tickets. Huzzah!

I do love a good drive-in theater. And I also find myself wishing that the pop-up drive-in theaters could rustle up a drive-in-sized screen. This is the same size screen that is used for movies-in-the-park-type events, where families sit no more than fifty to 100 feet away. The ratio with this screen from the car feels like when I had a 13-inch TV/VCR combo.

The view, though? Great!

Small-screen gripes aside, it was nice to see a movie sitting on a seat that was not my couch.

Despite Dumb Choices, the Birds is Great

Still from Alfred Hitchcock's film the Birds: Tippi Hedren fleeing from some awesome crows along with two children.

The Birds

Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Written by Evan Hunter

The review:

I’m gonna say right off that this movie was unsatisfying because it doesn’t have an end, which is not to say that it wasn’t very satisfying all the way up until the point were there wasn’t an end.* This satisfaction comes despite the fact that every single person in the film makes dumb choices.** While the Rod Taylor/Tippi Hedren relationship was something I’m chalking up to stress induced relationship building,*** it was even more fun to see various other townspeople’s reactions to the onslaught.****

The verdict: Good

Cost: Free due to donated ticket. It would have been $35 for the two of us.
Where watched: at Zidell Yards as part of Cinema Unbound’s pop-up drive-in series.

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

*While all the mayhem was happening, I was puzzling through why this thing might occur. That I never found out bugged me. Lazy writing!!!
**I’m going to chalk this up to the fact that no one in the film had seen the many horror film analysis videos and movies that have proliferated since the mid-90s. So of course they would go outside (where the birds are) when they could stay where the birds weren’t currently, which was inside. (Most of the time. Those birds were pretty inventive about getting into buildings.)
***I mean really, why are they in love already?
****The scene at the restaurant was great!


  • If birds were attacking your town, what would be your plan of action?
  • What do you think made those birds so vengeful?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

The schoolhouse in Bodega, California has been known to be haunted. According to Tippi Hedren, the entire cast was spooked to be there. She also mentioned how she had the feeling while there that “the building was immensely populated, but there was nobody there.” When Sir Alfred Hitchcock was told about the schoolhouse being haunted, according to Hedren, he was even more encouraged to film there.

(I really liked that school building!)

Other reviews of The Birds:

Orange background with a white frame. Text: Don't they ever stop migrating? 3SMReviews.com: The Birds

Requiem: Nightstand

I grabbed this dresser from the free pile in the basement of the Rosefriend Apartments. (That building was demolished in the mid-aughts.) It’s been my bedside dresser ever since.

I’ve always liked it. It’s solid wood (though with that flimsier wood-like substance furniture manufacturers used for the bottoms of drawers for a period of time.)

I like that it’s just the right size, has both a drawer and openings to store things. And I like that little bit of embellishment at the bottom.

I’ve thought, several times over the years, about refinishing it or painting it, but it never made it to the list of things to do. So it continued on doing its job of holding my bedside lamp, books and other sundry things.

Now it will go to find a new home. I hope they enjoy this little nightstand as much as I have for almost 20 years.

Saving Face is a Great Debut

Lynn Chenn looking at Michelle Krusiec in the film Saving Face

Saving Face

Directed by Alice Wu
Written by Alice Wu

The review:

While this movie starts as the classic mom-sets-up-daughter-with-eligible-men story it introduces two wrinkles, one with the daughter and one with the mother. Both Michelle Krusiec (as Will, the daughter) and Joan Chen (as Hwei-Lan Gao, the mother) are fun to watch as they navigate their changing relationships.* Overall, an enjoyable film with a few fun surprises.**

The verdict: Good

Cost: $3.99 via Google Play, but free because I had a credit.
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

*I sometimes check to see if actors in indie films from 10+ years ago are still acting, and all of the cast members I checked up on are still working regularly.
**I also enjoyed seeing one aspect of New York City’s Chinese community circa 2005.


  • What was the most surprising moment in the film for you?
  • Did you think that the family’s expectations were reasonable?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

The picture of Vivian as a child in Dr. Shing’s office is actually a photograph of Joan Chen’s daughter.

Other reviews of Saving Face:

Orange background with a white frame. Text: Younger people. Today they love you. Tomorrow, who knows?--Saving Face. Read the three sentence movie review. 3SMReviews.com