Long Shot Hits Its Target

Picture of June Diane Raphael, Seth Rogan, and Charlize Theron in the film Long Shot

Long Shot

Directed by Jonathan Levine
Written by Dan Sterling, Liz Hannah

The review:

There’s some good stuff in this comedy, especially if you are fan of Seth Rogan’s brand of humor.* And while it’s one of those stories that schlubby guys write so they can get an attractive woman,** it still had a goodly amount of barbs directed at the sexism women politicians face.*** The supporting cast didn’t shirk their duties either was amusing performances from June Diane Raphael as an aide to Bob Odenkirk as the President.

The verdict: Good

Cost: Free via DVD from Multnomah County Library
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

*I am. For those who are not, this is probably not your film.
**Here I must point out that Theron is very good at comedy, as well as drama.
***Probably because there was a woman on the writing team.


  • Do we have any schlubby-women-get-the-hot-guy films?
  • What was your favorite talking head moment?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

When Fred plays the song “It Must Have Been Love” on his phone, it shows it’s playing from the Pretty Woman soundtrack. However, the version used in this film is the Christmas version, not the original version from Pretty Woman.

(Oh internet, I love you!)

Other reviews of Long Shot:

Orange background with a white frame. Text: Okay, but you dressed me like Cap'n Crunch's Grindr date, so I'm going to drink and enjoy the part. —Long Shot. Read the three sentence movie review. 3SMReviews.com

Destination Wedding is Fun, Excruciating

A picture of Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder in the film Destination Wedding

Destination Wedding

Directed by Victor Levin
Written by Victor Levin

The review:

The charm in this film lies in Keanu Reeves acting like a normal person rather than a movie star* and the witty dialog** of two very resigned, very sad, very depressing people. It’s also interesting to watch a relationship develop between two people who have clearly given up on anything good coming their way in life.*** It’s a movie about sad people that didn’t bring me down, and I’m right there with their views of destination weddings, so this was a short (87 minutes!) interesting exercise in filmmaking.****

The verdict: Good

(Though I recognize that for many people this would be a big Skip. Proceed cautiously.)

Cost: Free via DVD from Multnomah County Library
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching (or watching instead):

Further sentences:

*His coughing up phlegm while also jiggling his ear with his pinky finger struck me as the most normal person/least Hollywood leading man thing he could do.
**I mean, you have to want to spend time with these two people and that’s not a thing that might be true for most. Also, there’s a discussion of pansexuality that had me grimacing at its ignorance.
***The usual trajectory is that the happier person shows the sadder person that life is good. When you have no happy person, it becomes an interesting exercise in how the two will connect.
****Plus, I enjoy Winona Ryder, and she hasn’t been in many movies of late.


  • Three months from that door opening, what’s become of our characters?
  • What’s your favorite middle age romance?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

In real life, Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves have been friends since the 1980s.

(This is also a fun element when watching.)

Other reviews of Destination Wedding:

Orange background with a white frame. Text: I believe that there is nobody for anyone. —Destination Wedding. Read the three sentence movie review at 3SMReviews.com