The Hitch-Hiker: One More Argument Against Thumbing a Ride

Drawing of the stars of the Hitch-Hiker: Edmond O'Brien, Frank Lovejoy, and William Talman

The Hitch-hiker

Directed by Ida Lupino
Written by Collier Young and Ida Lupino

The review:

Here’s a brief film* about the dangers of picking up hitchhikers** back before the word got compounded. I like a tense drama with few characters and especially loved William Talman’s performance as Emmett Meyers. But mostly, I loved that film had a lot of scenes set in Mexico and the Mexican people featured in the film were not bumbling stereotypes.***

The verdict: Good

Cost: Free via Kanopy, the library’s streaming service
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

(Ideally I would recommend a list of tense mid-century noirs. But I haven’t seen enough of them, so we’re going with good car movies.)

  • Speed
  • Drive (I actually hate this movie, so I don’t think you should watch it. Read my review to find out why.)
  • The Italian Job (1969)

Further sentences:

*Seventy-one minutes! Honestly, films like this are a delight, especially if I don’t have to pay for them. Get in, get the story told, get out.
**Born in 1974, I’ve grown up with the clear message that any hitchhiker I picked up would instantly rape and/or murder me, but I know that in the 1950s, hitching was more common. Also, should I stick my thumb out, I’d only be asking for assault or death. Probably both. Is this true? Probably not. But that’s the message that has been pushed since at least the 1970s.
***Kind of a miracle, given the release date.


  • Do you think that Collins and Bowen could have done more to overpower Meyers?
  • What was the tensest moment for you?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

In an interview, Talman recalled an incident that happened shortly after the release of The Hitch-Hiker, in which he gave a chilling portrayal of escaped murderer and serial killer Emmett Meyers. He was driving his convertible in Los Angeles with the top down, and he stopped at a red light. Another driver in a convertible who was stopped next to him stared at him for a few seconds, then said, “You’re the hitch-hiker, right?” Talman nodded, indicating that he was. The other driver got out of his car, went over to Talman’s car and slapped him across the face, then got back in his car and drove off. In recalling the story, Talman said, “You know, I never won an Academy Award but I guess that was about as close as I ever will come to one.”

Other reviews of The Hitch-hiker:

An orange background with text: You guys are soft. You know what makes you that way? You're up to your neck in IOU's. You're suckers! You're scared to get out on your own. You've always had it good, so you're soft. —The Hitch-Hiker. Read the three sentence movie review:

Night Comes On Captures Complex Sister Relationship

Picture of Dominique Fishback and Tatum Marilyn Hall in Night Comes On

Night Comes On

Directed by Jordana Spiro
Written by Jordana Spiro and Angelica Nwandu

The review:

Dominique Fishback (Angel) and Tatum Marilyn Hall (Abby)* play sisters separated due to both foster care and Angel’s time in juvenile detention. As they reunite, each has ulterior motives and it’s marvelous to watch them navigate around those motivations. While this is a movie about Angel seeking vengeance, it plays out in a very real-life, testing-the-waters way.**

The verdict: Good

Cost: Kanopy
Where watched: at home

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

*I came to this movie after seeing Dominque Fishback in Project Power so I wasn’t surprised how good she was in this role, but Tatum Marilyn Hall was also excellent especially for someone so young.
**Much like as in real life, there are mundane obstacles and complications which shift this film from vengeance to relationships in an interesting way.


  • Did you agree with Angel’s choices?
  • What was the best sister moment in this film?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

(Also the only trivia item)

This film was partially supported by the Adrienne Shelly Foundation, a nonprofit organization that awards grants to female actors, writers, and/or directors of short films, feature films, and documentaries. The foundation was created by Andy Ostroy, the widower of actress, writer, and director Adrienne Shelly, after Shelly was murdered in 2006 at the age of 40.

Other reviews of Night Comes On:

(Metacritic had 15 reviews, 14 of them were by men)

Orange background with a white frame. Text: She used to say the cars in the night could sound like the ocean. Like the waves, running in and out like the tide. You squeeze your eyes tight enough, you could almost see the sun, smell the salt, feel the sand. —Night Comes On. Read the three sentence movie review: