Unwrapping 18 Presents

18 Presents

The review:

Francesco Amato’s 18 Presents could have dived right in to movie cliches* but ventures off in a different direction to create a movie that had me intermittently verklempt. The charm comes from the independent** natures of the mother (Vittoria Puccini) and daughter (Benedetta Porcaroli.) While a little too sad to be a Sunday Afternoon Film,*** this is a pleasant way to spend a few hours.

The verdict: Good

Cost: Netflix monthly charge ($8.99)
Where watched: at home

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Further sentences:

*After all, the setup (Pregnant woman learns she has terminal cancer; plans 18 birthday presents for her unborn daughter) had me thinking I knew how this would go down.
**And feisty.
***A low-stress film that doesn’t demand much brainpower and leaves you with a good feeling. One last breath of weekend fresh air before you launch into prep for the week ahead.


  • When’s the last time you watched a movie from Italy? It’s been a long while for me.
  • If you were going to cast Benedetta Porcaroli (the daughter) in a US-based film, what role would be good for her?

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