Here’s what I was going for:

And here’s the result. If you look at the top and bottom, you can see that I got off for a few rows and ended up with ribs, rather than the effect they were going for.

Here’s what I was going for:
And here’s the result. If you look at the top and bottom, you can see that I got off for a few rows and ended up with ribs, rather than the effect they were going for.
I can recall once in high school realizing a skirt I owned was four years old! As evidenced by the italics and the exclamation point this was an amazing realization.
I think of that moment with a chuckle as I put on clothing that is five or ten years old. And so things accumulate as life goes on.
My five-year journals have been like that. I started in 2005, morphing a daily journal into my own five-year journal. And I’ve kept going for fifteen years now.
I don’t write every day. But I do write regularly.
The first year is its own year. I can’t see what’s come before. But starting the second year, and continuing through year five, I can see what I’ve been up to. Often Matt will hear at journal writing time: Did you know that three years ago we started square dancing lessons?
It’s nice to look back in five year segments. These journals have now taken me through four jobs and two houses.