The Irishman is Too Long and Those Guys Don’t Really Look That Young

The review:

Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman is worth watching for its excellent performances—Joe Pesci was my favorite—but ultimately is a bloated, overly long story that isn’t very interesting.* This is a less-bloody Scorsese film,** and uses de-aging technology so that the main actors, all over 70, can play themselves at much younger ages.*** It may be that I’ve grown impatient with stories of manly men doing manly things,**** but this movie didn’t resonate with me at all.*****

The verdict: Skip

Cost: Netflix monthly fee ($8.99)
Where watched: at home

Consider watching these other Scorsese films instead:

Further sentences:

*It might have worked better as a four-episode limited series, but I would guess Mr. Scorsese thinks he’s too good for TV.
**but its lack of drama and tension had me wishing I was re-watching The Departed
***While everyone seems to be very impressed by this technology, I didn’t find it to be successful. Robert De Niro never looked actually young and thus it wasn’t always clear which of the many time periods we were in.
****For example, I just can’t get excited about Ford vs. Ferrari, even though it’s populated with actors I love.
*****And oh my god, if I had to see one more shot of Peggy (Anna Paquin) quietly observing her father I was going to figure out how to make a compilation video and then morph that into one of those big-eyed animals crying video. We get it already! She’s the moral center of the film! She has nothing else to do than to sadly judge! Where are the female characters in this film?!?


  • What did you think of this film that 96% of Rotten Tomato Critics found Fresh?
  • What are the pluses and minuses of de-aging actors?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

Robert De Niro wanted the film to retain the same title as the book I Heard You Paint Houses.
Me too, Mr. De Niro.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is a Fine Conclusion to This Trilogy

The review:

Coming off of Rian Johnson’s excellent The Last Jedi it is now time for J.J. Abrams to wrap up our third trilogy with (the official title is so very long!) Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker. And Abrams does wrap things up in a competent way that shows us the many Star Wars things we’ve come to love.* I think the strength of this trilogy is the Rey-Kylo Ren connection,** and that carries through to this film, which I did liked, but did not love.***

The verdict: Good

Cost: $9.50
Where watched: Baghdad Theater with Matt, Laurie and Burt.

Consider also watching:

Further sentences:

*Witty banter, dashing adventure, situations that always seem hopeless, plus a fun new droid to add to the canon.
**Their fight scenes added a lot to this film.
*** I am three for three for falling asleep. I missed the “here’s the plan” part.


  • What movies that you first watched as a kid still hold up today?
  • Do you want more of the Star Wars world? If so, what would you like more of?

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

Disney’s sequel trilogy is the first trilogy in the Star Wars saga in which all three movies were released in the same decade.

Other reviews: