All movies watched on Netflix April 2019–Present

It’s a new feature!

Every week, I will have an updated list of movies recently watched on Netflix, or Kanopy, and rented from Redbox. You can click on the links to read the reviews and decide if you want to watch any of these movies.

If you do, leave a comment and tell me what you thought.




Stranger Things After Hours

I volunteered for the After Hours event at the Hollywood Library this year. This year’s theme: Stranger Things

There were a lot of themed activities (which I didn’t get because I haven’t watched the series, but which Matt assures me were on point) and the usual After Hours things.

This included pizza delivered and exclaiming over costumes.

Plus button making, and this waffle station.

And everyone’s favorite: the running and screaming tag game that happens after the library closes.

As usual, it was a fun night at the Hollywood Library.