Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood…is Too Long.

The review:

Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Timeā€¦in Hollywood is the story of a friendship* between two men that had me shifting in my seat at the 90 minute mark and wondering for the next 71 minutes what all the other people in the theater were interested in. I’m on record of not being a fan of Mr. Tarantino** but man, this movie had too much movie for what it was saying.**** Both Pitt and DiCaprio bring great performances, the period detail was great, and still: No.

The verdict: Skip

Cost: $8.00 (Hollywood Theater Member pricing!)
Where watched: Hollywood Theater with friend Kelly

Consider watching these other movies set in the 60s:

Further sentences:

*I don’t think it can really be called a friendship when one person is paying the other, but we have no word for that. Frempolyment? Employship?
**Good things he does: dialog (though not so much in this movie); music; period detail. Problems I have with him: his movies are too damn slow; the films I’ve seen have the same structure that ends in too much violence; the violence is somewhat cartoonish, which leaves me ill physically and spiritually.***
***In my screening, the violence actions directed at women in the big scene at the end had several audience members expressing bro-like appreciation in a way that would not have been out of place at a gang rape. That made sitting through that gory scene that much worse.
****All of the Sharon Tate scenes could have been cut, and just about every tense scene went on long enough to have the tension transition to irritation.

Favorite IMDB trivia item:

As the Tate party enters the El Coyote restaurant for dinner, Sharon Tate and Jay Sebring discuss a movie premiere they can see taking place further down Beverly Blvd. at an erotic movie theater. “They have premieres for dirty movies?” asks Sharon. The theater in question is the Eros, a real adult theater of the time. The building still exists, though it is now a repertory cinema called the New Beverly Cinema, and it is owned by Quentin Tarantino.

SKS Postcard: Wall Drug

SKS is on the move! At Wall Drug, she and Shawn bought iced cake donuts and a few postcards. She sent me this postcard because they enjoyed seeing the signs on the way.

I like its pinked edges. Very unusual in a postcard.

I’ve not been to Wall Drug. My parents and brother went after they dropped me off at college, but I missed out.

Someday, I’m going to do some exploring along the northern border. It can be part of my Laura Ingalls Wilder tour.