Fifteen minutes trying to take a good picture of myself

I need a good picture of me for the new websites and so I spent some time in the backyard attempting a timer photo. There were a lot of medicore results. Photos are hard.

This was perhaps the best one, but I got annoyed at several things: the background, my shirt, the shadows on my face, the fact that I’m not 20 anymore, etc.

I did some test photos while bundled up, adjusting the zoom and the tripod and such. For those I made funny faces, this being my favorite.

A photographer will have to be called.

3SMReviews: Best Man Down

3SMReviews: Best Man Down

Ted Koland’s Best Man Down is not a very good movie.* However, my enjoyment of this film overcame its detraction. Part of the credit goes to the plot (I’m always interested in films that examine nuances of friendship) and part of the credit goes to Addison Timlin who has full command of the screen as Ramsey, and Tyler Labine as the good-times (yet furtive) Lumpy.

Verdict: Skip, unless the things listed above sound good to you.

Cost: free from the Multnomah County Library
Where watched: at home

*The pacing is totally off and Jess Weixler’s character is fairly cardboard. At times I wasn’t really sure what was going on, and not in an intriguing way.