Cape Lookout Hike

Cape Lookout, while being an excellent state park–the campground is right on the beach–also has an incredible hike called the Cape Lookout Hike.

And we saw a whale!!!!!!  This was the first whale I’ve ever seen in person. It was very exciting.

Many other people also stopped to take a picture of the whale. This dog wasn’t super interested in what we were looking at, but waited patiently for the humans to be done with their sightseeing.

Matt checks out the drop from the edge. (Of note: the black in the corners of this picture are because my lens cover was not fully retracting.)

The water was very sparkly in the sun.

Our view at the trail’s end.

What I thought was a buoy turned out to be a small boat. (You’re looking at a camera in maximum zoom.)

Self portrait at Cape Lookout.