Oh my goodness, Judy Garland is amazing and this movie is completely worth watching, three hour run time be damned.* Who else but Garland could conjure up an entire production number by herself using a “practice record” and items present in her living room? In parts of the movie, Cukor seemed to be experimenting with still photos and voice over which was odd and didn’t work for me, but other than that, this movie was captivating.**
Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home
*Don’t have time for 3 hours? Marinate yourself in “The Man That Got Away”
**So far, I’ve adored both versions of this story. I love how it’s not a story of exploitation, but of mutual love and respect. It’s a tale of love untainted by all the Hollywood stuff we know goes on (and has always gone one). It’s sad and it’s sweet and so very good. I’ve seen the preview for the 1970s version, though, and it looks like it’s going to destroy everything I love about this story, so I’m putting a healthy distance between this version and that one.
poster from: http://www.impawards.com/1954/star_is_born_ver2.html