Three sentence movie reviews: Baby Driver

In my opinion, Ansel Elgort ruined The Fault in Our Stars and I’ve been annoyed by his presence ever since.  Until this movie, in which he has redeemed himself with his portrayal of Baby. In fact, nearly everything was amazing about this movie, most specifically the combination of music and film, which Wright does in a way that elevates this particular movie art.*

Cost: $4.00
Where watched: Laurelhurst, with Matt.

*This is a movie of pure delight and pure terror.** Jamie Fox was particularly captivating.
**This is also the last time I watched Keven Spacey and thought of him as nothing more than a good actor, rather than a predatory jerk.

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Birthday spoils

I had a good time celebrating my birthday with my family.  Aside from checks, I also received these lovely items.  Women’s World is a magazine my mother knows I love to hate.  When I worked in the library during college, my boss bought a copy weekly, which I would read during my Friday night shift.  Twenty years later, I continue to marvel that every single week they manage to have a cover with both a promise of rapid amounts of weight loss, and also a complex cake-like treat to make.

Most of my birthday money went to help meet my Payoff! goal, but stay tuned for the thing I did buy.