Regular commenter Sara went to O! Canada! (and many other places) on her recent vacation. She sent me this postage-paid postcard, telling me of her great surprise and delight at Niagara Falls. It’s dated July 1 and just arrived today on the 28th. I can’t decide if it’s an international thing, or perhaps the wrong zip code. The last two digits written are crossed off in inky black and re-written. Perhaps some postal employees went the extra mile to make sure I got this?
Day: July 28, 2017
Song of the month July 2017
Don’t Take the Money
It’s very 80s, in a good way. And there’s some romance. From random googling, it seems that critics don’t much care for Bleachers, but I sure do.
Here they are on the Tonight Show. I was a little amused by several things during this performance. Namely: why two drummers? the odd silos of keyboards framing Jack Antonoff; the fact that Mr. Antonoff maybe doesn’t need to wear that guitar during the performance of this song, given how little he plays it. Still, I did like how he seemed to be connecting with the Tonight Show crowd, and it was interesting to see how something that sounds very studio-produced translated to a live performance.
Three sentence movie reviews: The Tree
Australian tale of loss, grief and moving on. When Simone’s father dies unexpectedly, she hears him talking to her through a very large tree outside her home. This is a quiet, slow film in all the best ways.
Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home
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