No longer will we be subjected to the tyranny of excess plastic, single use tape dispensers.

We run out of tape.  I go to Fred Meyer, the place where I probably spend 80% of funds.  Because they have everything.  But you know what they don’t have?  Tape dispensers.  So, being out of tape, and needing tape, I once again purchase those plastic not-reusable clear tape dispensers.

Repeat.  For nine years.

But I have finally purchased tape dispensers!  One for me, one for Matt and one for the common area.IMG_5881

Free at last!

Hello from the future. October 2016, to be exact.

My computer has been out of commission for two weeks now.  And, despite having it “repaired” by a national chain of tech help, it is still not working right and will have to be repaired again.  Which means another week will pass without my vital electronic helper.

Once I regain possession of a completely working computer, I will return to blogging.  You can look forward to:

  • The rest of the August posts.
  • Multiple posts (I believe there are six) about the Oregon State Fair.
  • Vacation pictures.
  • Blog post #3000.
  • More movie reviews, (though not many more, as I haven’t had much time for movies, either.)
  • More book reviews (so far October has been a Smart Slut extravaganza.  Thanks, Heidi Joy Trethaway!)
  • More of the this-and-that that makes this blog go.

Portland Actor’s Ensemble Love’s Labour’s Lost

We’ve managed to attend both of PAE’s performances this year.  I appreciate how they begin with a tragedy and end with a comedy.IMG_5883

The Kings court, discussing the decree.IMG_5886

Our performance was ASL interpreted, which was cool.IMG_5892

Enrique Andrade (the Spanish voice of TriMet) as Don Armando.IMG_5895

Accompanied by the quite young and charming Manuel Avalos as Moth.IMG_5896

Kaelea Saplan as the Princess (in this version she is not from Aquitaine, just a run-of-the-mill princess.)  She was quite good as was LD McClure as Boyet.IMG_5904

I loved the 50s costuming.IMG_5905 IMG_5909

Including the boys glee club vibe.IMG_5910 IMG_5911

Costard (Jeremy Urann) had the rustic-cum-greaser down pat.IMG_5913

This production also had some excellent musical interludes like this one set to the Theme from a Summer Place where the attendants advanced their romances via sports.IMG_5915

I loved this moment Jessica Hillenbrand as Rosline slays Andy Haftkowycz as Berowne with a single look.IMG_5917

The girls post wooing.IMG_5918

Phillip Giesy and Paige McKinney played Sir Nathaniel and Holofernia and were excellent comic relief.IMG_5921 IMG_5922

The second act began with Emma Holland (Jaquenetta) and Jeremy Urann doing a fun dance.IMG_5927 IMG_5928 IMG_5931

The prince and his attendants disguised themselves as Muscovites to court the ladies.  These Muscovites come as Russian-style gangsters.  The ladies also have disguised themselves and come prepared for the men.  There is more wooing to the sound of Hernado’s Hidaway.IMG_5936

After that it was too dark for photos, but know that it all ended somewhat happily ever after. I find this play ends rather abruptly.

Yet another excellent evening with PAE.

My favorite letter to the editor this August.

If it weren’t for Mr. Christensen of Forest Grove, I wouldn’t have noticed that there really aren’t very many campaign bumper stickers this election season.  I also enjoy that he includes a tip for displaying the bumper sticker in regions other than the bumper.IMG_5876

Responses to this letter took the theme of “I don’t want my car vandalized for my political viewpoint.”  Which is a bummer.  There should be no vandalizing of cars.

Escape Room: Theme American Revolution

Matt waves from outside our escape room. This is my second escape room, and Matt’s fifth (?)IMG_5877

Signing the waiver.IMG_5878

The rules.  “Every rule has a story behind it,” said our guide.  In this escape room, the employee sat in the room with us (my previous experience we were observed from outside the room) and he made a point of saying, “There is nothing in my pockets.”  Poor guy.IMG_5879

As you might guess by this photo, our room was American Revolution themed.  Here is our time.  We escaped.IMG_5880In other news, apparently, I didn’t get the memo on the female pose.

Three sentence movie review: Southside with You


This is a very delightful first date movie, as well as very nice period piece.  The young Barack Obama is what was then probably referred to as “charmingly persistent” in his wooing of the much more hesitant Michelle Robinson.* Plus it had a recitation of a poem by Gwendoyn Brooks (which I, too have memorized) and also paintings by Ernie Barnes, who I was not at all familiar with.

Cost: $9.50
Where watched: Cinema 21 with Matt**

*In the 80s this was charmingly persistent. Seen today it’s more of an experience where the woman sets very firm boundaries and the man walks all over them.  Which made this movie kind of uncomfortable to watch.

**With whom I had a very “Who’s on First” conversation:
“And on Thursday, I’m going to watch Southside with You.”
“With me?”
“No, Southside with You.”
“I don’t understand.  With me?”
“No, the date movie with–”
“Oh!  That movie.  I want to see that.”
“You want to see Southside with You with me?”

poster from:

Trump Art gone. So is the building.

Remember how just a few weeks ago there was Trump art plastered outside of this building?

I return for another movie and *gasp* the building is gone!  I’m not sure why I’m gasping anymore as this is probably the 700th* demolished building in Portland this year, but I did have that weird, “something is off” here feeling.IMG_5875

*700 is a made-up number.  Could be true though.

Temporary quick trip to the Airport

On the one hand, we can easily take public transportation to the airport.  On the other hand, it takes a long time.  We’re nearly at the end of the Yellow Line and our trip consists of going to the Rose Quarter (into town) and then transferring to the Red Line which takes us to the airport (back out of town).  Meanwhile, a drive to the airport is a straight shot down Columbia Boulevard and takes nearly no time at all.  I’ve often wished for a bus that would do the Kenton-to-Airport route.  I wonder if it would pull more people from Vancouver.

But right now there is major track work in the Rose Quarter which means all the lines have been a jumble.  (The Yellow Line is mostly fine, it just isn’t running as often.)  The Red Line now runs on the Yellow Line to Kenton and then people can take a shuttle bus to the airport.  So here it is!  My quick trip to the airport.IMG_5870

Too bad I don’t have any flights scheduled.  If there are no construction delays, this will be done by September 4.