We’ve managed to attend both of PAE’s performances this year. I appreciate how they begin with a tragedy and end with a comedy.
The Kings court, discussing the decree.
Our performance was ASL interpreted, which was cool.
Enrique Andrade (the Spanish voice of TriMet) as Don Armando.
Accompanied by the quite young and charming Manuel Avalos as Moth.
Kaelea Saplan as the Princess (in this version she is not from Aquitaine, just a run-of-the-mill princess.) She was quite good as was LD McClure as Boyet.
I loved the 50s costuming.

Including the boys glee club vibe.

Costard (Jeremy Urann) had the rustic-cum-greaser down pat.
This production also had some excellent musical interludes like this one set to the Theme from a Summer Place where the attendants advanced their romances via sports.
I loved this moment Jessica Hillenbrand as Rosline slays Andy Haftkowycz as Berowne with a single look.
The girls post wooing.
Phillip Giesy and Paige McKinney played Sir Nathaniel and Holofernia and were excellent comic relief.

The second act began with Emma Holland (Jaquenetta) and Jeremy Urann doing a fun dance.

The prince and his attendants disguised themselves as Muscovites to court the ladies. These Muscovites come as Russian-style gangsters. The ladies also have disguised themselves and come prepared for the men. There is more wooing to the sound of Hernado’s Hidaway.
After that it was too dark for photos, but know that it all ended somewhat happily ever after. I find this play ends rather abruptly.
Yet another excellent evening with PAE.