Hiking the Gorge: Angel’s Rest

It’s another early Sunday morning and time for another hike.  This was a quick up-and-back to Angel’s Rest.

The Columbia River from not-so-much elevation.IMG_5653

Matt on the trail.  He would like you to note his good calf definition.IMG_5654

Can you see the hidden falls?IMG_5655

Hollow logIMG_5656


Taking stock of if we are there yet.

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We now have a map.  It did not help as much as the trail runner who happened by.IMG_5660

We make it to Angel’s Rest.IMG_5661

The angels have many rocks on which to rest.IMG_5662

Two angels, resting.IMG_5663

I forgot to take this picture at the beginning, so here it is at the end.IMG_5664

What happens when you forget to unzoom before taking the self-portrait.IMG_5665

More successful shot.  But not a great one.  What is Matt looking at?IMG_5667

On this hike there were long discussions of Girls Season 4, which I had just finished watching.  Also Enterprise, which Matt is working his way through.

Portland Actors Ensemble: Coriolanus

I forgot my camera, which was unfortunate as there were times in this play when my fingers itched to be grabbing photos.  These two were taken with my phone. (And one of them doesn’t want to load in its correct orientation)IMG_20160709_184133


We made this not-often-produced play a priority and I’m glad we did because the location of Pettygrove Park was a good one.  The sculpture “The Dreamer” and the hills where the audience sat added a lot to the setting. Fun Wikipedia fact:  the mounded hills inspired this park’s nickname: Mae West Park.  Further opinion:  I’m not sure anyone actually uses this nickname anymore. Or if they ever did.

The sculpture was used as a device to manufacture sound.  One of the actors “played” it with rubber mallets during battle scenes which added  a lot to the action.

The play was tight and held my attention, despite the intermittent rain. Arthur Delaney was a solid Coriolanus.  We’ve seen him before in other productions.  I also enjoyed Allison Rangel and Heidi Kay Hunter as the two tribunes.

Aside from the rain, this performance provided us unique theater-in-the-park experience.  During the climax, a passerby wandered into the action, first touching Ken Yoshikawa on the back during an intense interchange with Arthur Delaney.  Ken turned to see what was happening and then turned back and kept going.

The man retreated to sit with the audience on the hills talking loudly to himself, with a woman–possibly the stage manger–trying to coax him away.  Just as the cast erupted into the final fight scene the man ran into the fray, grabbing Arthur Delaney by the back of the neck.

“Back the fuck off, asshole!” Allison Rangel’s voice rang out as she broke character advancing on the man as everyone stopped.  He retreated immediately.  “That’s right, keep going,” she yelled as he disappeared.  Everyone, actors and audience, stared, following his retreat.  “I apologize,” she continued, addressing the audience, “That’s my boyfriend,” she said, meaning Delaney.

In the manner of all unexpected situations things were quiet for a beat before one of the actors asked, “Shall we start the fight scene over?” There was a mutter of agreement, the cast reset and we watched Coriolanus be killed for his betrayal.

Rangel’s quick action in a scary situation and the actors carrying on while most of them must have been completely freaked out brought home what a solid production this was.  We won’t soon forget Coriolanus.

Three sentence movie reviews: A Promise


Slow-burn love story set before/during/after World War I. It’s an old fashioned kind of a love story, full of longing and denial and long separation.  I can’t say it lit me on fire, but it meanders along just fine and the acting was good, so take what you will from that.

Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home.

poster from: http://www.impawards.com/intl/misc/2014/promise.html

Three sentence movie reviews: 5 to 7


That there quote on the movie poster is spot-on as this is a very classy film about falling in love.  I found the entire thing enchanting in the best movie way possible: where New York City is romantic, the people are pretty, the relationships complex and the ending well-earned.*  It’s always wonderful** when I find a perfect movie I’d never heard of.

Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home.  Matt was playing a game and half-watching it and he really liked it too.

*Also, some amazing lines.  Here’s just one:  In New York, you’re never more than 20 feet away from someone you know, or someone you’re meant to know.
**It’s wonderful and disconcerting.  How many perfect movies I’ve never heard of are sitting there patiently, waiting for me to find them?  What if I never do?

poster from: http://www.impawards.com/2014/five_to_seven.html

I will promise you this:  your favorite story, whatever it may be, was written for one reader.

Ladder completed. Reverse Loft phase 1 completed!

Every spring I develop an obsession (or two.)  It happens when the days get longer and I have much more energy and suddenly I’m compelled to MAKE something, dammit.  In 2016, this time of year coincided with my reading of Spark Joy, which is book two of Marie Kondo’s quest to change your life through tidying.  Somewhere in the pages of Spark Joy Kondo said you should make an effort to live the way you’ve always wanted to.

And I thought: reverse loft bed!

I’ve been thinking of the reverse loft bed off and on for years now.  After college, I designed and built a loft bed, but I didn’t love it.  It wasn’t any fun having to climb down the ladder in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.  I’m more of a roll-out-and-shuffle kind of girl.

But what if you put the bed on the bottom and put the loft space on top?  Various permutations of this concept have been thought through and discarded, partially because it’s a big project and partially because I kept getting stuck on the fact that if I did built this, I would not have access to one side of my bed.  This would make it very hard to make the bed and I already hate making the bed now.

But this time I had a breakthrough realization: trundle bed!  What if the bed was tucked neatly away under the loft structure and when it came time to strip the sheets and remake the bed, you could slide the bed out, giving access to both sides?  Brilliant!

So here’s what I’m thinking.  Visualize with me.  Close to the ground would be the trundle bed structure that would hold my mattress.  Above it would rise the loft structure, essentially giving me a rectangle of elevated floor about four feet off the ground.  My desk would go on top and there would possibly be room for a small lounging chair.  The bed part would slide out of the loft structure for the above mentioned bed-making reasons.  There would be curtains around the two open sides of the bed area, so my sleeping space would be a cozy cave.  I’m a fan of small sleeping spaces.  In one place I lived, I slept in my closet.

I did some research, and while I didn’t ever find any evidence on the internet of anyone building a reverse loft bed, (this was the closest thing I found to the concept) I did find a lot of information about loft beds and trundle beds and this project now seemed doable.

The plus of the trundle bed concept is that I could build this project in stages.  First would come the trundle bed part and then, having that finished product, I could design the loft space around it.

With all systems go, I started sketching and figuring and setting my plan in motion. And then I realized I needed to accommodate the cats.

The cats currently have a perch in the window.  Right now, it’s easy for them to get to because they jump from the bed to the perch.  Once the whole project is done, I will remove the perch because the window sill will be about six inches off the loft floor.  But in the interim, when I make the trundle bed, the mattress would be significantly lower and I’m worried that the 12-year-old cat would not be able to make the jump.

So I decided to build the ladder first.  And build it I did this weekend out of 2x4s.

Here’s the completed ladder:IMG_5630

Here is where it goes for now: IMG_5637

And here is me attempting to lure my cats onto the ladder.2016-07-04

Phase 2 will be building the trundle bed and will commence soon (hopefully).

Three sentence movie reviews: The Nice Guys


Thank goodness Mr. Gosling has ended his acting hiatus, and thankfully he has starred in something that doesn’t require him to be silent and sad-eyed all the time.*  He and Mr. Crowe make a funny comedy team in this story that is mostly about the two of them being a funny comedy team and not so much about the big-three automakers colluding.**  The 70s details were nice also.

Cost: $4.00
Where watched:  Laurelhurst Theater, with Matt and a bunch of theater goers who were rather chatty.  Not off-topic chatty, but they reacted to what was going on in the movie very verbally.

*Though I did enjoy the Place Beyond the Pines.
**I felt that the whole plot motivation was shoehorned in at the last minute.

poster from: http://www.impawards.com/2016/nice_guys.html

And who might be standing behind you?

I’m waiting for Matt at the gate.  I pick out a good spot where I can see people coming through the gate and where I’m not standing in front of anyone.  I know not to sit in the chairs, because my view will be blocked for sure.  So my place along the wall is working well for me.  A woman comes and stands along the wall next to me.  All is fine.

And then she stands in front of me.  IMG_5629

Not a little bit in front of me.  The kind of in front of me where she blocks my entire view of the gate.  The kind of in front of me where Matt was past me before he noticed me waving.

I’m sure she was excited to see whoever she was waiting for, but so was I.  And I was there first.

(I projectile coughed on her, but the only effect it had was that she put her hair in a pony tail.)

Three sentence movie reviews: Keanu


This suffered from comedy-sketch-gone-on-too-long syndrome, but was entertaining enough.  And the kitten was so cute!  Plus, you get to have George Michael songs stuck in your head for a goodly amount of time afterward.

Cost: $4.00
Where watched: Academy Theater with S. North.

poster from: http://www.impawards.com/2016/keanu_ver6.html