This is from a postcrosser new to Postcrossing. In fact, I’m her very first postcard. (!!) This is a very pretty postcard and the back tells me that bird is the calophasis mikado which can be found in middle/high altitude mountains. They are also apparently endangered.
Month: February 2016
Postcard from Russia
Three sentence movie reviews: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf
Having seen the play, I knew what I was in for, and I had already experienced the claustrophobia that comes from being trapped in a small theater with George and Martha. This, the film felt roomy and expansive in places, and lost some of its urgency. That said, it’s still quite a good movie and while all actors are great, Sandy Dennis particularly delights as Honey, the young wife of a Biology Professor new to campus.
Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home
(Part of The Next Picture Show’s pairing: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf and 45 Years)
poster from:
Three sentence movie reviews: Beyond the Lights
Overlooked movie alert!* There’s really good stuff in here, from mother/daughter relationships to fame, and how women are often required to sell their bodies to achieve it. Great performances all around.
Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home
*Thanks to the hosts of the Next Picture Show Podcast for squealing when this title was mentioned, thus alerting me to its existence.
The above poster was the only one the site had. However, the poster below was on the front of my DVD and it’s a million times better.
Portland Fit Sashiko T-quilt block completed.
I have completed my first block in my t-quilt. Doing this block of Sashiko embroidery has taught me that this will be a very, very long project. This t-shirt is five movies worth of work time. Knowing that, I have sorted and prioritized my t-shirts and will first embroider the shirts from high school and college. Which means this is really block zero and the next shirt I do will be the first block in the t-quilt. If and when I finish that quilt I will start on the post-college t-shirts.
I’m pretty happy how this turned out. It doesn’t look super professional, but it’s doing what it should, namely holding the stretchy t-shirt to the solid block of fabric behind it.
Four weeks, one notepad.
Today is the last day of my fourth week of work and it seems I’ve also completed this notepad. Work is going well, and I’ve been enjoying learning new things. The notes above pertain to editing a PowerPoint, where I created a boatload of charts from the data acquired in a phone survey. The post-it note on my monitor is from my co-worker, as a handy reminder of how charts in reports are centered. This is the last week of PC usage for this office, though. Next week we switch over to the other side of the computer divide and everyone gets a MacBook Pro.
Postcard from Taiwan
Three sentence movie reviews: Deadpool
We flipped a coin to see which movie we were going to see and Matt won, so we took in this “romantic comedy” on Valentine’s Day.* Members of the male species seem to really, really like this movie finding it gaspingly funny and wonderfully raunchy. I found it to be amusing and raunchy and perhaps more proof that I’ve hit my superhero movie quota.**
Cost: $5.10 (somehow the special $5 price has added ten cents to it)
Where watched: Regal City Center Stadium 12 with Matt
*My choice: Brooklyn.
**Which is a little worrisome. What if I don’t like the next Thor movie? Or the next Avengers movie?
There were a number of posters to choose from. I went with the faux-romantic comedy one, because that’s how Matt was selling it. But I think the one below is my favorite.
poster from:
Cupcakes and frosting roses for mom’s birthday.
My mom wanted almond-flavored cupcakes for her birthday, and thus I made them. I have tidied my way to owning just one muffin tin, so I only made 12 cupcakes.* So I made a small cake with the rest. And then got carried away with the frosting part. Those are the first frosting roses I’ve made since I took the cake decorating class when I was 14 or something.** My grandmother could make frosting roses. She was a cake decorator before she got married. I used her flower nails, which are the base where you build the rose. Hers are made of wood, not metal or plastic like the ones in the tutorials. This was also fun, using tools that my grandmother had used.
Overall, the frosting was great. The cake was a little dense, probably because I had trouble understanding done-ness.
*Plus, what was I going to do with 24 cupcakes? The new workplace really doesn’t eat sugar. Three boxes of Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies stayed on the table unopened for two weeks. And even then, they weren’t eaten, they were eventually moved to snacks drawer.
**More evidence that I’ve always been a middle-aged woman at heart.
And her husband?
It struck me as I read the umpteenth update about the Malheur Refuge Occupation that I see the naming of insergents go in this order:
…thatdude, age, AND HIS WIFE, hername, age, of city…
Sometimes it was something to the effect of:
…married couple thatdude and hername…
I never once saw it in this order:
…hername, age, AND HER HUSBAND, thatdude, age, of city…
It’s a small thing, always listing the wife second and as a possession of the husband. But it’s also a big thing. Either switch up the order, so half the time the husband comes second and is a possession of his wife, or just go with “married couple”.