Here we go, chipping away at another page. Matt, outside the 23rd Avenue Bottle Shop. This shop is newer than our Passports, but we still had to get the stamp. This place can meet all of your McMenamins-related alcohol needs.
Across the parking lot from the Bottle Shop is McMenamins Tavern & Pool.
Onward to Hoyt, where we found the Ram’s Head.
A quick stop at the Blue Moon.
Then a long walk to the Market Street Pub where we got our last stamp and waited for a table so we could get our burger.
Here’s our completed page. We got our Mission Theater stamp when we went to the alien abduction movie last spring.
And here’s my burger. And oyster crackers came with my clam chowder!
I noticed that the lamp wasn’t going anywhere. It’s screwed to the tabletop.