Lint 2016

Remember Lint?  Maybe not.  Lint is my project of general improvement I do some years during the season of Lent.  Lint started one year when I decided to improve my wardrobe during the days between Ash Wednesday and Easter.  One year I decided to meditate and eat mashed potatoes every day.

It’s time to pick a Lint project for 2016.  And that project is:  to walk across the Steel Bridge BOTH ways each workday between now and Easter.

I’ve recently started a new job and decided to sneak some exercise into my day by getting off the train at Rose Quarter and walking the rest of the way to work.  It’s a nice 20 minute walk, which, in theory I walk the reverse on the way home.  In theory.  I often find reasons not to make the end-of-day walk.

So for the next 40 or so days, I will make sure I make both trips over the bridge.*

*There will be a slight exception this Friday because I already had plans to meet up with the boyfriend after work.  But every other work day** I have plans to walk.
**Actually, the first Wednesday of this project I had book group. In order to make it on time I couldn’t walk across the bridge.  So if there are reasons like that, those are okay.