These first three are from regular commentor Sara and I received them early in January. I think their arrival must have coincided with the snow days and they somehow got lost in the shuffle. Anyway, I like them a lot, especially the map–I’m a sucker for a map–and the multi-view with the ghostly Oregon Coast lettering.
This is from someone in Germany. I couldn’t actually read very much of her handwriting. She might feed camels with carrots?
From Pavel in the Czech Republic. In contrast to my German friend, her handwriting was neat as a pin and tiny, so she had a lot to report. Including this quite by Aldous Huxley: An intellectual is a person who’s found one thing that’s more interesting than sex.
And here’s another postcard from Sara. It was sent on 1/15/16. She pointed out that 1+15=16 and it’s always fun when the date is an equation. Anyway, she sent me wishes that my new job countdown was getting smaller. It was.