The good: my many squash plants produced! I enjoyed having a trombone zucchini and I even got a beet!
The bad: two of My Oregon Sweet Meat squash split, which meant they wouldn’t keep. I cut out the rotted part of one squash and the rest was fine. The other I gave to someone at work. He and his housemates ate it for a long time.
I had saved seed of delicata squash and it didn’t grow true. Perhaps it was a hybrid. A goodly number of my delicata squash look like delicata-shaped acorn squash. Also, of my two trombone zucchini plants, one of them seemed to be more yellow squash than zucchini squash.
Squish, Squesh, Squash! Nicely grown.
Well, I think it all looks lovely.
Wouldn’t it be nice if gardeners who have an abundance – so much that they can’t give it all away to family/friends – had a way to give it to people in need? To my knowledge, food banks don’t accept fresh foods (understandably I suppose).
In good news, such a program exists. I have never managed to coordinate with the program, but I could, if I put my mind to it.