Things from the paper.

Holly explains to her mother why she could get A’s on her mid-term, but chooses not to.  This was my philosophy in high school also.  Although in college I did a one-eighty and spent a lot of time doing things.

I probably shouldn’t encourage Jeff Baker, but his opening sentences of this review made me laugh.

Later in the same movie review section, Jeff Baker has this call to action came at the end of the review for The Hunting Ground. Hear hear!!!

I enjoyed this picture of protesters because it was such a small number of people and also take a closer look at the woman on the right.

I’m pretty sure she’s taking a picture of the news photographer taking a picture of the protesters.

5 thoughts on “Things from the paper.”

  1. That snippet about the fraternity was in a movie review? Methinks he has desires to be a news reporter maybe?

  2. I like this fun mix of newspaper goodness. The comic strip is fun. I was pro slacking in jr. high and then made the shift throughout high school. Glad that I did, but the slacking was kind of fun!

  3. So what’s the Trans-Pacific Partnership? Also, maybe that lady was Tweeting. 😉

    As a smart person who didn’t start slacking until adulthood, I wholeheartedly agree with that Stone Soup comic strip.

    1. TPP is big deal trade deal that a lot of Democrats/Liberals aren’t too thrilled about. That’s all I’ve got.

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