I found myself more impatient with these episodes, for which I blame the long wait between parts I and parts II of the final season.* I was pleased with the way the series wrapped up for some of the characters,** less so with others. I find myself wondering what the point of the show was, and now want to watch everything again from the beginning.***
Cost: free from library. (I was monitoring the catalog, so I could be among the first to place a hold, but I missed it by a day and ended up 275th or something. So it was a long wait.)
Where watched: at home.
*I mean really, the show ended for good in May, the DVD should have been available the very next day. And there was also no need to split the season in two.
**Joan, Peggy, Roger, Ken.
***Tentatively planned for spring and summer 2016, but I may have wandered off to something else by then. If I do, I’m going to keep a list of who sleeps with who. I imagine it will be a quite lengthy list.
poster from: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0804503/?ref_=nv_sr_1