Three sentence movie reviews: All the President’s Men


There’s a new podcast I’m excited about* and so I watched this film (finally).**  I loved a lot of the camera work*** and the slow diligence of getting all the ducks in a line.  While not super action-packed by today’s standards, it did ratchet up the tension and it was fun to watch Hoffman & Redford together.

Cost: $2.99 via Amazon Play.  (I didn’t even check first at the video store. I just streamed. Sigh. I’m part of the problem.)
Where watched: at home, on my desktop.

*It’s called “The Next Picture Show” and (according to them) it’s where a Movie of the Week meets the movie of the day.  In the first episode they featured this movie and paired it with the new release Spotlight.
**Though I have read the book.
***Slow pan while doing research in the Library of Congress!!

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(fold lines!)