Three sentence movie reviews: No Strings Attached

no_strings_attachedExpecting a brainless romantic comedy, I was instead blown away by this.*  Mr. Kutcher was his usual non-offensive self, and the rest of the cast really knocked it out of the park.**  It was also laugh-out-loud funny in parts,*** which came as no surprise once I figured out that Ivan Reitman directed it.

Cost: Free from library.  (Also, this was on one of my Letterboxd lists.  I’m not sure why.  Perhaps I made notes? I did.  Movie Date recommended it.)
Where watched:  At home while changing the toes from green to red.
I wonder how long I could watch Ashton Kutcher moves during pedicures before I had to repeat?  The answer is that there are 17 Ashton Kutcher movies I haven’t watched, so I could keep going for a very long time.  I won’t though.  I think I would eventually stop being pleasantly surprised that his movies aren’t actually that bad.

*Secret to success with Ashton Kutcher movies:  lower those expectations.
**And what a cast!  Natalie Portman! Kevin Kline!  Greta Gerwig!  Mindy Kaling! Jake Johnson! Lake Bell! Ludacris! Olivia Thirlby!
***Many rom-coms are more “smirk” or “quiet chuckle” events.  They don’t come with actual laughter.

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