Three sentence movie reviews: Dune

dune_ver1This movie has what can only be described as a hella lot of whisper voiceover.  It also has very interesting early CGI effects, and all the things that would now be CGI effects, but back then needed to be actually made are quite interesting too.  I did not, however, find it to be an actually interesting movie.*

Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home with Matt, who was aghast I had never seen it.

*So much so, that I forgot to include it in my list.  I actually watched this in August and didn’t realize until after I’d closed the August movie books that it was missing.

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City of Roses: floor plan

Floor plans have been posted in the window.  Let’s look at what we’ve got.

Too bad they don’t list the square feet.  This seems to be a nice studio.  Notice it has a place to hang your bike.  I wonder if that is built into every unit, or just shows the potential.  Also, I don’t know what that thing under the window on the right is.


The Denver is the loft-style one bedroom. I’m interested to know what that partition looking thing is.  It’s not a solid wall, but it must be something because the bike rack holder is attached to it.IMG_4540

Here’s the one-bedroom with doors.  I wonder if the square footage is bigger for this unit? It seems to pack a lot more into the space.  Interesting pass-through closet space.


Notice how the two-bedroom has two bike hooks?
