Robbins, Ruffalo and Gad play three men in different stages of their twelve-step process, their addiction of choice being sex.* All actors bring their A-games and the story is compelling due to the complications of staying clean even for people with five or fifteen year coins. It’s always nice to see Patrick Fugit, playing Robbins estranged son, but my favorite part of the movie was watching Josh Gad and Alicia Moore help each other through their early days of sobriety by becoming friends.
Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home
*I feel like this is the first addiction movie I’ve seen that is completely focused on the twelve-step process and the fact that they chose sex-addiction is interesting, mostly because watching someone have sex is something we do all the time in movies and it’s much more familiar than a drug or alcohol bender. Also sex addiction is tough like food addiction, in that a lot of people don’t really recognize either as an addiction. Also complete abstinence isn’t the goal.